July 2024

Don’t Be Fooled by Gas Industry Lies

Commentary by Carl Hintz Terms like “blue hydrogen” and “bridge fuel” are used by the gas industry and electric utilities to obscure how disastrous methane is for the climate. So what is “blue hydrogen”? It’s…

Community Solar Done Right

By Dan Gearino Even small community solar projects can be used as a tool to make energy more affordable for less affluent households, as a project in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula shows. The solar array near…

Climate, Energy and Natural Resources

Address to Progressive International’s 50th Anniversary Congress in Havana By Jason Hickel Thank you to PI for organizing this event, and thank you to our Cuban hosts, who have kept this revolution alive against extraordinary…

Three Greenhouse Gases, Three All-time Highs

By David Gelles The extreme weather. The melting glaciers. The weirdly warm oceans. They’re all the product of global warming, which is being driven by the release of the three most important heat-trapping gases: carbon…

Inside the Fight to Stop South Texas LNG

By Maria Gallucci “We don’t have exploding refineries here, and we want to keep it that way,” Hinojosa says from her office in downtown Brownsville, on a stretch of semi-vacant storefronts just blocks from the…

2024 Is the Climate Election

Jour­nalism Should Cover It That Way By Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope The press is covering the 2024 campaign as if climate isn’t on the ballot, but 56 percent of US voters are ‘concerned’ or…

Educate More Girls, Eat Less Meat

Oregon university researchers push novel plan to fight climate change By Gosia Wozniacka A team of scientists led by Oregon State University research­ers has devised a new climate change scenario that offers different thinking on…

A Warming Planet, Pathogens, and Diseases

By Zoya Teirstein People around the world are living longer, healthier lives than they were just half a century ago. Climate change threatens to undo that progress. Across the planet, animals—and the diseases they carry…