The Scale Of What We’re Up Against

Big money will be spent trying to convince you to disbelieve obvious truths… The Charles Koch Foundation had subsidized “pro-business, antiregulatory, and antitax” programs at over 300 institutes of higher education.  All of these professors,…

Homes Guarantee: Make Housing a Right

The Homes Guarantee, introduced in early September by the People’s Action Coalition, a network representing roughly one million progressive activists in groups spanning 30 states, would invest billions of dollars in housing infrastructure and radically…

A Shit Job for One Is a Shit Job for All

It’s essential that organizers bring lessons from the AB 5 victory (ex­panding legal protections to more than a million workers, including gig workers like rideshare drivers) into all sectors while uniting unions and militant workers…

Big Ag Is a Big Problem in Climate Struggle

If we want to have a meaningful impact on climate change we will have to confront agribusiness, which spends more on lobbying in the United States than even defense lobbyists. Read the original story at…