
2024 Is the Climate Election

Jour­nalism Should Cover It That Way By Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope The press is covering the 2024 campaign as if climate isn’t on the ballot, but 56 percent of US voters are ‘concerned’ or…

Educate More Girls, Eat Less Meat

Oregon university researchers push novel plan to fight climate change By Gosia Wozniacka A team of scientists led by Oregon State University research­ers has devised a new climate change scenario that offers different thinking on…

A Warming Planet, Pathogens, and Diseases

By Zoya Teirstein People around the world are living longer, healthier lives than they were just half a century ago. Climate change threatens to undo that progress. Across the planet, animals—and the diseases they carry…

Make Polluters Pay

Vermont Law Makes Fossil Fuel Companies Liable for Climate Impacts Interview by Paloma Beltran Vermont’s House and Senate have approved a bill that would make fossil fuel companies financially liable for their carbon pollution and…

L.A. Captures 96 Bn Gallons of Stormwater

By Ian James Heavy rains this winter and spring sent torrential flows down local creeks and rivers, and L.A. County managed to capture and store a significant amount of that stormwater, officials say. To be…

Keeping Cool in 100° Heat Without AC

By Èlia Borràs If architects are people who like to think their way around challenges, building schools in Burkina Faso must be the dream job. The challenges, after all, are legion: scorching temperatures in the…

Haw River Tribunal Puts a Pipeline on Trial

By Hannah Chanatry In a sunlight-filled conference center at the Haw River State Park in Guilford County, North Carolina, Russell Chisholm stood and clicked through a PowerPoint presentation with photographs of broken streambeds and construction…

Wall Street Is Laundering Enviro Crime Profits

By Zack Budryk Environmental organized crime is a massive global enterprise, bringing in hundreds of billions of dollars each year—and the U.S. financial system appears to be helping conceal its profits. Interpol estimates that environmental crime…

Fossil Fuel Financing Reaches $6.9 Trillion

By Rainforest Action Network The recently released 15th annual Banking on Climate Chaos report employs a new, expanded data set that credits each bank making financial contributions to a deal instead of only crediting banks…