
What Happens if Forests Stop Absorbing Carbon?

Ask Finland. By Patrick Greenfield Tiina Sanila-Aikio cannot remember a summer this warm. The months of midnight sun around Inari, in Finnish Lap­land, have been hot and dry. Conifer needles on the branch-tips are orange…

Study: Exported Gas Far Worse Than Coal

By Oliver Milman Exported gas emits far more greenhouse gas emissions than coal, despite fossil-fuel industry claims it is a cleaner alternative, according to a major new research paper that challenges the controversial yet rapid…


The quickest, most affordable way to tackle the climate crisis and cut power bills By NC WARN North Carolina regulators persistently go along with Duke Energy’s years-long assault on its only competition: rooftop solar power…

Biology Lessons In Degrowth

By George Tsakraklides Pausing or stopping growth altogether is essential for all living organisms—and this is why every single species on this planet comes with genes that are dedicated to managing growth. Degrowth is an…

A Love Letter to Eastern NC

Review of On the Swamp by Ryan Emanuel By Maya L. Kapoor As the planet grapples with the ever-starker consequences of climate change, a debut book by Lumbee citizen and Duke University scientist Ryan Emanuel…

Don’t Be Fooled by Gas Industry Lies

Commentary by Carl Hintz Terms like “blue hydrogen” and “bridge fuel” are used by the gas industry and electric utilities to obscure how disastrous methane is for the climate. So what is “blue hydrogen”? It’s…

Community Solar Done Right

By Dan Gearino Even small community solar projects can be used as a tool to make energy more affordable for less affluent households, as a project in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula shows. The solar array near…