Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid
BlackRock eats the Fed for breakfast, and bails itself out. See Ellen Brown’s story at Dandelion Salad.
BlackRock eats the Fed for breakfast, and bails itself out. See Ellen Brown’s story at Dandelion Salad.
Let’s not Give it to Wall Street. Read more at InTheseTimes.
By Frances Nguyen A universal basic income. Special emergency funds for marginalized groups, including undocumented immigrant women, domestic workers, women with disabilities and sex-trafficking survivors. Waived co-payments for covid-19 tests and treatment, including for incarcerated…
By Dorothee Benz Since the days of Adam Smith, capitalists have been arguing that unfettered markets are the best way to organize the economy. Smith famously said that the rich are “led by an invisible…
By Eileen Appelbaum and Rosemary Batt Doctor Ming Lin is the first emergency room doctor to be fired for going public with his concerns about poor hospital emergency room safety practices and shortages of medical…
By William I. Robinson What does a virus have to do with war and repression? The coronavirus has disrupted global supply networks and spread panic throughout the world’s stock markets. The pandemic will pass, not…
The richest sectors of modern capitalism avoid or replace taxes levied on them with interest-bearing loans to the same government. Read the story at Common Dreams.
Corporate Democrats and investor class liberals will fight to preserve the current order. Read the article at Common Dreams.
It will save $450 billion and prevent 68,000 deaths every year. Read more at Common Dreams.
We need to understand socialism because it has shaped our history and will shape our future. Read more at Yes! Magazine.