We Need Publicly Owned Utilities
By Jill Richardson This fall, thousands of Californians were fleeing raging wildfires while millions sat in the dark. And for-profit utilities may be to blame . . . Read more at Otherwords
By Jill Richardson This fall, thousands of Californians were fleeing raging wildfires while millions sat in the dark. And for-profit utilities may be to blame . . . Read more at Otherwords
By Aaron Fernando When you pay state and local taxes, parking fees and other payments to your regional government, chances are those funds will almost immediately end up in a corporate bank . . ….
By Howie Hawkins There are serious problems with Internet policy in the United States that are the predictable outcome of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) consistently placing corporate interests above the public interest. The FCC…
By Oscar Rickett Across the Middle East, people are protesting. They are tired and angry. They want to see something change. “All of them means all of them,” protesters chant in Lebanon, calling for the…
A forty-hour-a-week minimum-wage job covers a one-bedroom apartment in only twenty-eight of the country’s 3,007 counties. This isn’t just a housing crisis. It’s a housing catastrophe. Read more at Jacobin.
The Homes Guarantee, introduced in early September by the People’s Action Coalition, a network representing roughly one million progressive activists in groups spanning 30 states, would invest billions of dollars in housing infrastructure and radically…
Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts were among only four Democratic presidential candidates who advocated abolishing private health insurance during the first round of debates. Read more at the Los Angeles…
Our data doesn’t really belong to us, it belongs to the commons. Read the original story on Asia Times.
Interview with Michael Tubbs, the 29-year-old mayor of Stockton, California. Read the original story at The Nation.
A new Congressional Budget Office report finds that the benefits to low wage workers of a $15 minimum wage far exceed the costs. Read the original article at Common Dreams.