Back Yard

Creating Communities of Peace

What is Alternatives to Violence Project? Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is a volunteer organization that offers three-day full immersion experiential workshops that enable people to lead more enriching and fulfilling peaceful lives through attitude…

A Love Letter to Eastern NC

Review of On the Swamp by Ryan Emanuel By Maya L. Kapoor As the planet grapples with the ever-starker consequences of climate change, a debut book by Lumbee citizen and Duke University scientist Ryan Emanuel…

Civil Resistance Works

Commentary by Lyle Adley-Warrick A myth-busting study by two political scientists proves it statistically and offers some insights into why it works. Their book, Why Civil Resistance Works, published in 2013 by Columbia University Press,…

Don’t Be Fooled by Gas Industry Lies

Commentary by Carl Hintz Terms like “blue hydrogen” and “bridge fuel” are used by the gas industry and electric utilities to obscure how disastrous methane is for the climate. So what is “blue hydrogen”? It’s…

Haw River Tribunal Puts a Pipeline on Trial

By Hannah Chanatry In a sunlight-filled conference center at the Haw River State Park in Guilford County, North Carolina, Russell Chisholm stood and clicked through a PowerPoint presentation with photographs of broken streambeds and construction…

United for a Fair Economy

Supporting Durham City Workers’ Campaign for Fair Pay By Jen Douglas Durham city workers organizing with UE150—a member group of the UFE-coordinated Raising Wages NC coalition —are out in the streets and testifying at City…

Tenants Organize State-Wide

By Greg Childress Two years ago, Crystal Towers residents in Winston-Salem successfully fought to prevent the sale of their public housing building, which is home to more than 200 low-income, elderly tenants. In Raleigh, Grosvenor…