Back Yard

DWA Strengthens Local Labor Movement

By Carl Hintz On October 22nd, 2024, the Durham Workers Assembly met at Durham People’s Solidarity Hub. Twenty-four people were in attendance. The meeting started with time for attendees to socialize and share a dinner…

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The quickest, most affordable way to tackle the climate crisis and cut power bills By NC WARN North Carolina regulators persistently go along with Duke Energy’s years-long assault on its only competition: rooftop solar power…

Organizing The South

UE Local 150 Convention in Whitakers, NC By UE Local 150 With the slogan “Resist, Restore and Re­vit­alize!” the 13th Biennial Convention of state­wide UE Local 150 convened at the Frank­linton Center at Bricks on…

Creating Communities of Peace

What is Alternatives to Violence Project? Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) is a volunteer organization that offers three-day full immersion experiential workshops that enable people to lead more enriching and fulfilling peaceful lives through attitude…

A Love Letter to Eastern NC

Review of On the Swamp by Ryan Emanuel By Maya L. Kapoor As the planet grapples with the ever-starker consequences of climate change, a debut book by Lumbee citizen and Duke University scientist Ryan Emanuel…

Civil Resistance Works

Commentary by Lyle Adley-Warrick A myth-busting study by two political scientists proves it statistically and offers some insights into why it works. Their book, Why Civil Resistance Works, published in 2013 by Columbia University Press,…