Articles by admin

A Shit Job for One Is a Shit Job for All

It’s essential that organizers bring lessons from the AB 5 victory (ex­panding legal protections to more than a million workers, including gig workers like rideshare drivers) into all sectors while uniting unions and militant workers…

Big Ag Is a Big Problem in Climate Struggle

If we want to have a meaningful impact on climate change we will have to confront agribusiness, which spends more on lobbying in the United States than even defense lobbyists. Read the original story at…

Whose Grid? Our Grid!

Chicago’s Campaign To Put Electricity Under Public Control “Electric power is a critical function in everyday life, and we can’t go without it,” Democratic Socialists tell In These Times. “Yet, it’s controlled by a private monopoly,…

Pia Klemp Is the Hero We Desperately Need

The German ship captain and human rights activist has personally saved thousands of migrants from drowning as they attempt the deadly journey across the Mediterranean to seek refuge in Europe. Read more at Truthdig.