Articles by admin

Western Media’s Islamophobic Rhetoric

Commentary, by Andrew Mitrovica Israel has waged war on Palestinians for decades. That fact may come, I suspect, as a surprise to many people whose grasp of the world is shaped by their exclusive consumption…

Fear In Newsrooms Silences Pro-Palestine Voices

Commentary by Rami G Khouri The Palestinian-Israeli conflict that now enters its second century is fought on two parallel battlefields. The first comprises the violence on the ground which has reached new heights in recent…

US Asks Qatar to Censor Al Jazeera News

By Robert Tait The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, has reportedly asked Qatar to moderate Al Jazeera’s coverage of Israel’s war against Hamas, amid concerns within the Biden administration that the channel is inflaming…

Colombian Indigenous March

Indigenous and social organizations march against violence in Bogotá by Peoples Dispatch Over 15,000 Indigenous people from 10 departments of Col­ombia arrived in the capital Bogotá between September 25 and 27 to draw the national…

How Loan Sharks Killed Microfinance

An interview with Mohammad Yunus Interview by Marco Werman We wanted to learn more about why, despite early optimism, microfinance, these micro-loans, failed to lift so many people out of poverty in places like Cambodia….

Haiti Isn’t Asking for US Intervention

By Jane Regan EDITOR’S NOTE: on October 2nd, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2699 authorizing a security mission to Haiti. Military intervention into Haiti is in the air again. And the East Coast establishment…

Building Cross-Border Solidarity

Mexican journalist José Luis Granados Ceja visits the Triangle By Sharmîn Aziz On October 21st and 22nd, José Luis Granados Ceja visited Durham and Raleigh as part of the “Mexico Solidarity Tour.” José Luis lives…

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Homeless in Portland

Camping bans are cruel and inhumane Commentary by Kaia Sand Imagine you have to carry everything you own — bedding, the food you’ve secured for the time being, your clothes. You’ve lost so much, but…