April 2024

ICE and Solitary

Solitary confinement is torture. By Rachel Reed People held by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforce­ment, or ICE, were placed in solitary confinement 14,264 times in the past five years alone—a stunning figure that is likely…

10 Ways to Reshape Immigration Policy

By Heidi Altman For too long, extremist lawmakers and commentators have shaped the immigration debate through misinformation and rhetoric that demonizes people seeking safety and a better life. The result is a punitive, enforcement-oriented approach…

Four Myths Preventing Peace in Ukraine

Commentary by Nicolai N. Petro and Ted Snider If diplomacy is to have a chance at settling this bloody conflict, then four persistent myths about the war in Ukraine need to be exposed and refuted….

Julian Assange’s Grand Inquisitor

Commentary by Chris Hedges The prosecution for the U.S., which is seeking to deny Julian Assange’s appeal of an extradition order, begun by the Trump administration and embraced by the Biden administration, grounded its arguments…

‘Our Bodies Know the Pain’

Norway reindeer herders’ support for Gaza By Shafi Musaddique Fosen Peninsula, Norway—A herd of rein­deer running through thick, white snow sounds a bit like thunder. It is a spectacle that has been replayed for at…